Thursday, June 28, 2012


This is not me.

OK.  We need to air a few grievances  Somehow people are under the impression I do not like Crayfish.  I have targeted them for Termination, and they are going to be eradicated.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Since I was a little boy, I used to catch crayfish in an irrigation ditch near the house where I grew up.  I was completely fascinated by them.  I have never stopped being curious about them and their part in the food chain and the whole circle of life.  I really believe they can have their place in our world, but not without being in check.  In their native lands (ecosystem), they are not running crazy.  
Snake keeping Crayfish in check.
They are an important part in the food chain and they have predators which is key to their control.  They are kept in check by their world that was built with them (as a key component and a food source to the ecosystem).  Arizona has a world that was built without Crayfish.  The introduction of them to this world makes them invaders and trouble.  If you have kids, you  know that walking into the candy store with kids means you are buying some candy.  No candy store owner in their right mind would ever leave the doors unlocked and open.  They wouldn't walk kids in and expect that they will only eat the candy that falls on the floor. That would be crazy!  However, that is exactly what happened here in Arizona.  The Crayfish were introduced for vegetation control and to be food for sport fish.  That seemed harmless because the greater effect was the canals would be clear and we would have more Bass.  In that day we were not so concerned with our ecosystems and endangered species, we were all about saving money and of course, making money.  
Racoon keeping things in check.
Once again we are now dealing with what it really cost Arizonans and we are dealing with the aftermath of the invaders, (or are we?).  The war with these invaders is still waging and we are scrambling on what to do.  The call to arms is in this instance is too late and we will never get back what was lost and taken.  Our lands are invaded, they are being destroyed, and being devoured.  There is not much hope of stopping that machine, unless we do something about it.  Our resistance is alive and well.  If you are reading this message; You are The Resistance!

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