Thursday, June 21, 2012



Why Crawdaddy?  Well, I am a dad.  I have kids and I love to go fishing.  If you go fishing anywhere in Arizona, it is hard not to run into Crawdads.  Fishing over the years, I have noticed the decrease in fish and the increase of crayfish.  This has puzzled me and has caused me to take a personal look as to what is happening.  In doing years of extensive research, I have learned a lot about Crayfish, in particular what part they play in the decreasing numbers of fish.  I have learned their habits, why they are here, where they came from (because there is no native species of Crayfish to Arizona), and more importantly what is being done about it.  The conclusion;  The Crayfish are eating the vegetation, they are eating anything they can get their claws on, and most importantly they are eating the fish.  They are taking my waters and devouring everything in their path.  In some locations, they have eaten everything and all that is left is themselves (which they eat each other too).  They are a machine that is rolling forward without an off switch and destruction is their wake.  So why Craydaddy?  Well this has now become my adopted baby.  I am a responsible person who will take action for something that has happened, where it is my fault or not. I need others to join the cause.  I need people to help me reverse the hands of time and return our waters here in Arizona to what they really are, and what they should be.  It is time to take them back from an Alien Invader and we are taking no prisoners.  GAME ON!