Tuesday, April 28, 2015


OK, I know.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have been away.  It has been a long while since I posted anything.  Some of you reading this are saying, "What happened?"

I guess you could say "life happened".  I don't want to say the "S" word happened, but that is probably a better description.  Also, I let work get in the way of the good stuff and OVER SILLY THINGS LIKE MONEY,
(who needs that stuff).  

So, temporary problem solved and on to the battle of freeing our lands and taking back Arizona from ALIEN INVADERS!!!!, (like Crawdads, Crayfish, or what ever you call them).

Ok, maybe they are not this big.  However, if they are make sure you bring a lot of butter!  
Let's get Crackin!

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