Thursday, January 18, 2018


Ok, just stop.  I have a real job.  Yes, one that actually pays.  Talking about Crawdads on a free blog does not.  Yes I know it has been a while and yes I have been in the field fighting the good fight.  I have laid to waste many a crawdad and have new to tell.  I have found them in different places all around the state, and funny enough it has seemed that they moved.  Yep, that seemed impossible, but  I have gone to my traditional 

Not a one
places to find not even one.  This was a problem.  Not that I wouldn't mind having them gone, but rather they have gone into hiding.  I guess our onslaught in the battle has caused them to take a beating.  We were successful in pushing back the battle lines and even found a few fish.  However, no crayfish. 

They are not gone.  They are much smarter than that.  This is purely a battle strategy.  Draw your forces back, and regroup.

Well, not this time.  We went to the trail head.  We went far back into the bush to find where their home base was and is.  We let them have it. (and I don't mean the wilderness).

Deep in the Canyon

Watch your feet.  Those little buggers would attack!
You Get The Idea
We Got This

This next picture is not for the faint of heart.  Here is a picture of what was left after the battle.

Pure Carnage.
Score a few for us.  The battle rages on and no alien invaders will be left alive!